Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Change of Heart

Let's get moving! We all have those new years resolutions about losing weight and being healthy. My resolution came in September 2011. I went to the doctor and learned I was borderline for high blood pressure and if I continued my lifestyle I would be putting my life in danger at 26. That warm day in September I was going to make a change; a lifestyle change. I wasn't going to diet, take pills nothing quick or easy. I made the decision to start slow just changing my eating habits, adding more healthy foods. I stopped eating beef, started eating more chicken and fish, decreased eating breads and pastas, added yogurt, and tons of water. It was not easy and even now I still struggle, but when I see my results I realize that it has been worth it. In September I weighed about 184, its now April and I weigh 157. My measurements in September were hips 44 waist 34. Now its hips 38 waist 28. I feel more energized and enjoy what I see in the mirror, but most importantly I've added some extra years on my life just by making a few changes. Are you ready for your lifestyle change? Tell us what's on your heart.

September 2011
February 2012


Posted by: Ericka