Thursday, March 8, 2012

Workout Plan

Do you wonder if you are the "workout type?" Maybe you have days where you feel so motivated to exercise, get a couple of crunches in, even actually GO to the gym to workout. Then there are the days and sometimes weeks where your body regimen has gone out of the window, and you become settled. But what if you're just not that much of a workout-aholic? Who says while working on your fitness you have to go to the gym everyday or more than once a week? These questions could lead one to think that there isn't a law-abiding rule book about what a workout plan ought to be. True, change comes with progress, and that trusty ole gut isn't going to just disappear like that! You have to work it out in order to work at it, what we like to call, your BODY GLOW. 

Your body glow is the inner and sometimes outer confidence that shines from within. When you get your rhythm going and feet walking on that treadmill, results happen. You begin to shine. Whether you think of yourself as a gym babe or gym dude, exercising does help. Your routine is yours, but consistence is what helps you along the way. We all have setbacks, but the bigger picture is to have a leg up, bike peddling, elliptical climbing, weight lifting, basically upper hand (or maybe upper body strength) on a healthy lifestyle.

Check out this quick motivational video and be sure to tell us what's on your heart....


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Food Just for Women?

It seems that when I watch television and if there is a commercial on for certain food products, women are the main feature within them. Just this morning I saw a commercial for “Lean Cuisine.” It showed a smiling woman amazed by the variety of frozen dishes to choose from. I mean think about it, when you see a yogurt commercial or an ad for certain cereals and “smart foods,” who do you see, a woman. What is it about healthy food products that causes for a woman to be the enforcer for the brand? Are companies suggesting that only women eat those products or that women probably should? What is the message, is it subliminal or not really a big deal?

But it bugs me a little bit. Is a man not a great face to sell Smart Ones, Healthy Choice or a greek yogurt? Granted the latest commercial for “Oikos,” a brand that houses greek yogurt, has Full House hottie John Stamos starring in the marketable nourishment. Though hot men don't always make cameos in yogurt commercials. That was all about image and marketing to WOMEN. If John Stamos enjoys it, why not you?
But I think this selection of food groups goes beyond just an advertisement, I'm thinking that the big execs who create the commercials are suggesting either that women should look a certain way, i.e. “Eat lean products, drink low-fat shakes or milk to make you thinner.” Or, that it is easier to market to women consumers because they will listen and are probably more prone to buy. I don't have that answer, only an opinion that healthy food advertisements with women as the focal point, it is on purpose.

What do you think? Tell us what's on your heart...


Posted by: Elishia