Friday, February 8, 2013

A Burning Heart

Abstract tree of love, hearts and birds Stock Photo - 9580672Here, today, I am eager to explore more of myself. When the new year of 2013 arrived I felt powerful, and energized. I did not make any resolutions just mental notes on improvement and how I could better tackle the year ahead. But just three days into the new age of 2013 I caught a monstrous virus. It was quite scary because it led me to take two trips to the emergency room, complaints of nausea, palpitations of my heart and then a burning sensation that scared me to pieces. As I began to get over the virus I was still slightly "sick" about something. I felt like I had this deep dark secret to reveal but didn't know how to speak it out loud.

What troubled me was in the midst of getting the unwanted virus out of my system I was flooded with so many emotions. I sincerely thought something was "wrong" with me for I could not pinpoint what exactly was going on with me. I referred to various health sites for answers of what was happening, checking the symptoms of different illnesses and thinking, "Is this what I have?" The virus threw so much out of wack for me, it was frightening. Living at home with my parents led me to be freakishly attached to my mom. I always like to be around her but this time, upon getting sick and even after, I wanted her to be near me practically at all times. It got to the point where I wanted her to sleep in my bed or just sit by me in a chair and comfort me.

Her presence as well as my father's made me feel safe. Curiosity of this foreign illness continued and I was starting to feel paranoid, panic, and pressure from my own brain. The mind is definitely a powerful being. I kept thinking about death, time moving on too quickly for me to hop on and grasp it, feeling alone sometimes even with people around me. Soft everyday sounds appeared boisterous, driving in my own car I prayed I would not have a panic attack, that I would get to where ever I was headed safely without issue. It took me a few weeks after the virus to even feel comfortable driving. I was terrified of my own self. And I didn't know why.

I began to ponder and really think to myself, "What is going on?" So many things came up. One being me currently unemployed. I remember feeling so stuck and powerless while at home regaining my strength. There were days where I did not want to leave the house, fearful that I might catch something from the flu ridden streets of the city. I felt like if I had a job to go to after getting better then maybe I wouldn't be so depressed and unsure of everything around me. Instead I was home-bound, anxious to get out but I felt like I didn't know how. I wanted to be reassured, embraced by my sister whom I thought wasn't there for me enough. She would generally be my go to person in a chaos filled frenzy, but her life is different now, so I didn't feel like I could reach out to her. Though her and I discussed my fears and feelings, at the time I was filled with more questions and no guidance to fix my new found panic.

Upon countless back and forth doctor visits and tests done to narrow down what was going on with me my doctor asked, "Are you anxious about something?" I hadn't been asked that by anyone. And I did not know quite how to respond. My doctor's take that the acid reflux I had been experiencing was long gone, but now there's still something bothering me. He asked if I wanted to talk to someone at their office. I agreed. It was interesting that for my thesis I am writing about mental health and the different dynamics that accompany this notion as a Black woman. And here I was, the scared, semi-panicked young woman afraid to voice her thoughts when she almost never held back.

My ability to see all that January was as a lesson and a platform for positive change, took some prepping. I found it so hard to see the bright side that could be. But I did not want to be stuck anymore, fearing everything. Being secure is something I will always want, but being sound and capable is what I know that I need. For my own self-worth and expression.

I can already see something great brewing for myself, my family, friends. My challenge is to stop second guessing, go to bed at a decent hour, keep writing, apply to more jobs, and think of nothing but new. New frame of my identity, new lessons, new beginnings, new love, new power. I am not starting over. I am continuing, sustaining, progressing. I have a burning heart to liftoff and evolve.

From my heart to yours,
