Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Hunger Games

You know that feeling you get when it's time to eat some food, your stomach begins to growl or the hunger pains begin? That's me right about now. Not only could I use a late night snack but I am also hungry for something else, change, positive changes to be exact. I can't help but shake the emotions that when I have been eating food, large meals sometimes, and I still feel hungry after, I begin to feel like it means something more. What bugs me is that I'm not sure if it is all in my head or is my body sending me subliminal messages. I couldn't possibly be hungry for food ALL of the time, so I honestly feel something bigger is happening.

I am so hungry to move on with my life filled with romance, a promising career, and feeling like a better Elishia loving myself unconditionally, not second guessing. The steps sometimes hardened as stone and money woes has made it difficult to keep focused on what I am aiming for. 

It is tough to be a champion for your own self when you need an extra supply of cheerleaders along the way. I'm not saying I haven't had any support, I have plenty. Though at times I want an extra boost of someone telling me, "Don't quit, keep going." When other people around me are dealing with their own issues I think it rubs off on me, especially at home. But I want to be better about speaking things into the atmosphere, saying positive phrases and mantras to myself as much as possible everyday. Perhaps I need to be my own cheerleader a bit more.

So this hunger, this hunger stems from too many months of feeling without. Too many bad memories of when things were completely going wrong. 

I am hungry to be filled up and full. Full of my own power that I know is within me. Full of joy that naysayers will have to fight hard to try and take from me. I want to be full of positive energy that I carry with me always. Yeah, it ain't gonna be picture perfect. But it doesn't mean it has to be all bad either, I don't want to feel downtrodden. I am not a damsel. In distress? Maybe occasionally. However I'm not looking to be saved. I'm looking to search for my own true self, my talents and dreams and explore them, share them. 

Being hungry could be a motivation, shows my determination. To be full, oh I want that so bad.

From my heart to yours,


Monday, January 6, 2014

Your heart to follow

Happy 2014! It's a new year, can you believe it? Well here we are, no turning back but looking forward, that's the attitude to have! At Day 6 of January I am already brewing with a handful of ideas that I want to achieve. This issue that comes about is that there are too many! I'm not saying that they aren't attainable but sometimes I feel like I pile on too much, too fast, and without a concrete plan of action. I'm no perfectionist but I like to have organization, it keeps me balanced. With that being said I still struggle with how to level out and how to approach my many projects, aspirations, and thoughts. I know it's possible!

As I think about the women in my life there seems to be some crossover going on where it isn't just me but also they have their own certain area that seems to be a challenge. And it's ok, none of us are saints let's be real! I want to flesh out these areas and hopefully inspire you. I am not a "fixer" or trained motivator but I think I have some words of encouragement to pass along. Heck, we all need it every so often, right?!

These descriptions/types that I came up with aren't necessarily all of the women that I know. But more of what I've noticed from articles I have read that pinpoint what some women seem to be dealing with. Or, these descriptions are of people that I encounter(ed). I'm not trying to group anyone into a box or category but more so place a name on any emotions or feelings. 

Queen of Ideas

I definitely fall under this group without question. The "Queen of Ideas" is just that, she always has a new venture up her dainty sleeves. It is her favorite avenue to walk down and burst with hearty excitement because of how fabulous it sounds. That's cool, but queens sometime need to sit on their idea thrones and just be still for a bit.

Tips: Write down what those ideas are (big & tiny) and really plan how you can finish them. Try spacing those ideas out. Start off small, even if it is as simple as revamping your room or closet by switching things around. Don't fret if everything on your list or plans aren't completed. Breathe, and begin again. 

Money Grubber

Yes, of course most people LOVE money but the "Money Grubber" craves it and spends it often, maybe too often. Her challenge is learning how to save her dough without devouring it as fast as she's gotten it. Whether you're the money grubber that works really hard for the money but it burns in your pocket or bank account and you're itching to spend it. Or you're the money grubber that can't tell yourself no, no more swiping that credit card, no more going out to dinner every other day. You struggle with savoring your financial abundance.

Tips: Keep track in a journal of all of your expenses that you have to pay for each month. Whether in your savings account or in your own home put aside "play money" or merely savings inside a jar or wherever you'd like. Prioritize those shopping trips and nights out so that you aren't over spending. And if money isn't really something you've had a lot of lately maybe it's time to try a different path/job. No one likes to be broke! 

First Lady

Are you the woman who puts every one's needs before her own? You make sure the people closest to you are alright and just about forget about your own well-being. Maybe you're caring for a family member or you're a single mother that has to do it all. Or a person who's sporting one too many hats. You're drained all of the time and hardly have a free moment of peace by yourself. That's a no go.

Tips: Consider being selfish. Might sound bad but you've GOT to learn how to put yourself first, you deserve to be the first lady and feel sane. True, you might think God is first, or if you're a parent or a Jackie-of-all-trades and there are some things that you feel should be put before you. But you need solace as well and to feel stress-free. If you can get assistance with your child or children, ASK even if you have a spouse/partner. If you feel over-worked maybe ask your boss for a better schedule or take a personal day, vacation/stay-cation, SOMETHING! You can be number one.

Pretty Passive

She's the one where not much stimulates her, never really has a strong reaction to problems or even good things. It's not that the "Pretty Passive" person is dull or un-emotional but she's laid-back and would much rather be low-key as far any participation goes. But being passive sometimes has its turbulent moments where you almost don't care enough about anything. There could be a reason the passive gal acts this way, she may not want to be known as a docile dame but it's become her personality trait somehow.

Tips: If you're dealing with trying to be more energized with every occurrence in your life try to first admit it, then confront it. Discover if being passive is just you (nothing wrong if so), or are you hiding from addressing something else? Create a daily mantra for yourself to help motivate your moods. 

Career Connoisseur

Her motto is her own, the phrases pay in her eyes. Whether she's experienced, mid-level or just starting out the "Career Connoisseur" is all about that, her career and not much else. Maybe she adds in her relationship if she's off the market, or time to socialize with friends, and spend some free time (when she has it) with family. However this career woman is consumed by her job and making money matter. It isn't that she doesn't have other hobbies she just loves what she does. It's a beautiful thing of course, especially if she's worked twice as hard to get where she is, she's proud.

Tips: Keep the momentum going, work it girl! But also find the time to slow down and get your rest on. You are your biggest competition, remember that. Don't be hesitant to take on a less challenging task like maybe a yoga class, learning a new recipe, or catching up on your favorite t.v. shows or a movie you haven't watched in a long time. It's ok to settle down and take in the view that you made possible for yourself.

Which description somewhat fits you? Or perhaps it is a little bit of all mentioned. As I said before none of these types/descriptions are to define anyone, simply to open ourselves to how we can be better and glistening in positive changes. You are on your own path, follow it. It is your heart to follow.

From my heart to yours,
