Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fruit Cleanse

Summer has arrived and I am feeling the heat in many areas of my life. But before I delve into all of what's on my mind I want to focus on one of the things I would like to explore: A cleansing of my body, the inside. Whether to think about it literally or figuratively I am in need of it. After having a conversation with a co-worker of mine about a water involved cleanse she was doing I felt the inspiration to give it a try. Now I know some of you have heard different things when it comes to people doing a cleanse of whether it's the juicing detox or a full-blown no food just water and other ingredients. Though on my end I am not looking to "detox" per se or diet, I am looking to feel good and well-nourished.

My co-worker explained her reasons of the cleanse and that she was not trying out a diet, still eating what she wants just being smarter and more health conscious. I feel that I have been a lot better in that regard as I am eating more fruits and veggies, even though now with the warmer air my bananas (my favorite) turn brown too fast! So with the convo with my co-worker I thought I'd try out a fruit cleanse, still of course eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But I will incorporate the drinking of the chilled water in a jug throughout the day, especially if I am out and about.

Per my co-worker and other advice I came across online the fruit cleanse or with other items of your choice (mint, cucumber etc.) it is quite easy to prepare. First:

-Use a clean jar or jug of your choice

-Cut/slice your fruit/vegetable items and place into jar/jug (add one thing with another like lemon & lime, lemon & mint, just strawberries, oranges & lemon, just watermelon, whatever you like!)

-Fill your jar/jug up with water, let the fruit sit in the water for about 30 minutes before drinking


There was only one aspect I didn't get a sense of if one should drink it chilled or just slightly. For myself I would think to have the water nice and chilled. Tomorrow I will try the fruit cleanse using strawberries.

In my research I found this about what various fruits can help with:

-Orange & Lemon water: Citrus fruits help digestion especially in room temp (or warm) water. This water can help heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, loss of appetite, vomiting & constipation. -Cucumber, lime & mint (ginger optional): Good water for water-weight management, hydration, cleansing, controlling appetite, improving mood & energy. -Strawberry, orange & mint: protects immune system, vitamin rich, prevents wrinkles. Mint also helps with bad breath and digestion.

Here's to healthy eating AND drinking. From my heart to yours,
