Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holidays & Hearts

Tis the season to be...JOLLY, is it? That's right because everyday outside of the holiday spirit we should all try to be a little more happier. I came across a right on the money message from one of my favorite tweeters, Rev Run. He said:
I know I too struggle with balancing what I have control over and what I don't, that is life. But to take extra initiative to be better and rejoicing can be hard, though not as hard as we'd like to make it. It probably takes more energy to be angry or sad than it does to be happy. Think about it, happiness generally doesn't take much effort, it just, is. So in honor of the "holiday spirit" society says we ought to have, let's take a switch on that and allow ourselves an "everyday spirit" where we give more focus on "What's coming" as Rev Run tweeted.
I have three suggestions to get you going to a healthier place this season, despite certain woes (lack of/no money for gifts, relationship issues, job problems, too much schoolwork, not enough pay, good pay but blow money too fast, feeling insecure, frustrated about family) the list can go on, and on, and on, and on....try this:
Sweet Tooth
Regardless if it is Christmastime or not, eat some of your favorite chocolate. A piece or two is good for you. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/benefits-of-chocolate
Craft time
Start a small project that you can do after work or any day you have time. Whether it is finally tidying up your closet, decorating your home for the holiday or crafting a special gift for a loved one. Keep your hands busy and your mind off of the "sidebar stuff" I like to call it.
Dance, Dance
A little bit of movement never hurt anyone, low and behold you get a little workout in, a fun one at that. If you own a Wii game console or XBox, whichever system you may have, pop in a dance game and get your body moving! I plan to purchase the latest favorite "Hip Hop Dance Experience" for Wii. I hear it is a blast. You don't have to worry about any judgment or nailing all of the moves, just have fun!
From my heart to yours,

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