Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stress-bumps...in the road

Whenever I get a bump on my face I immediately think that I am not drinking enough water. But then there are times when I think there has to be some other reason why the bumps appear. It can be very random where all of a sudden I have a bump on my chin or somewhere on my forehead or along the side (or both sides) of my face. I never pay attention to when the bumps come for me to attribute the break-out to a particular "thing," i.e. my period, too much salt or sugar, not enough water etc. As I poked and occasionally prodded at the acne I stopped to think, "Is it stress?"

As a teenager I rarely saw pimples appear on my face, it would happen here and there. I recall my first official meeting with acne at 12 years old while getting ready for school one day and a strange brownish-red dot began to surface on my nose. I remember staring in the mirror in horror afraid that the entire 7th grade would notice. From then on I would on occasion scrub my face with an acne wash that frequently flashed across my television screen as a girl splashed clear water on her face and scrubbed. Her face looked clear and I believed mine would too. But I didn't keep up with the routine since the pimples would appear at random, most times when I had to show my face in public, just my luck! As I grew up and now into my new adult life this continued, pimple one day, then again whenever it decided to happen, never anything constant. Though lately the break-outs are performing for more than one show, I didn't buy a ticket and I'm not feeling it. But maybe that's it, because my life has been a strange puzzle, slowly trying to piece everything together sometimes leads me to not "feel" certain situations, which causes me to stress.

I decided to look further into this to see if maybe this every now and again acne was like before, or if some stresses around and within me is having an affect on my skin. With some research I realize how stress affects various parts of our bodies, from your face, your mood, maybe a headache here and there or possibly feeling tense. I've experienced many of those feelings/changes and I am beginning to pay attention. I am not saying that the second you get a pimple you are stressed, not at all. But, if a break-out happens more frequently maybe there's something to look in to. For me, this is the case. Though on the surface any bump I get doesn't look TOO bad, but sometimes they hurt or are in inconvenient places. Being embarrassed by them doesn't help anything.

Today I have two bumps, Mr. Chin and Mr. Fore, I am sure you get the gist why. However they made their debut a few days ago so now they are just about fading away. For Mr. Chin and Mr. Fore I haven't done anything but washed my face with an apricot scrub that I have because I am noticing that my skin is more oily than usual. So you have to discover what will work for you, ponder if your skin is acting up a bit too much and consider why it's happening. Like the new and strangeness of my life right now these stress-bumps...in the road are just that, bumps, hiccups, whatever you want to call it. Not permanent.

Consider these tips from WebMDhttp://www.webmd.com/beauty/skin/the-effects-of-stress-on-your-skin

8 Ways to Reduce the Effects of Stress on Your Skin

Although it's impossible to avoid stress completely, there are ways to handle it better. Try these approaches:
  1. Don't neglect your skin. Take care of your skin, even if you're tired or stressed.
  2. Get regular exercise. It's good for your skin and the rest of your body.
  3. Take time for yourself to do something you enjoy, even if you only have ten minutes. Take a bath or read an article. 
  4. Take a walk around the block.
  5. Practice stress management techniques, such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or visual imagery.
  6. Get enough sleep. Seven to eight hours each night is ideal.
  7. Say no. It's OK to set limits and boundaries to lower your stress.
  8. Talk to someone. Seek support from a friend or a professional therapist.
From my heart to yours,


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