Monday, August 12, 2013

Digital Detox

For the next week I am going to reboot and jump start my mental well-being. I realized that as of late I allow social media to consume my life a little too much. It's weird, there was a time where only Facebook was the hottest thing smoking in college. Then Myspace caught on, YouTube, Twitter, now Instagram and a host of others are everywhere, free to download and devour. But I need a digital detox, bad. There are some days I admit where I can tune out the alerts or the urge to unlock my phone and go social media crazy. Then there are other days where I am too involved with generally someone else's life through pics, tweets and status updates. It begins to be technology overload!

Truth, no one is forcing me to go surfing on these sites and apps but it can be so addictive. And trust, there really is an app for just about everything under the sun. More and more especially in today's world social media is at the helm of publicizing businesses, a book you wrote, a job posting plus more. I too have utilized the internet and social media as a means to promote my writing by sharing with friends and family. Sometimes there really is no way around it, this is the signs of the techy times! But I am challenging myself to limit my involvement with the occasional maddening mayhem of repeated notifications, double-tapping, commenting and "liking" stuff. I get caught up in the charade of it all, sometimes monitoring my posts and somehow cyber gawking the pages and photos of people I don't even know! It gets like that.

My plan thus far is to only check my emails, job search, get some writing done and tackle anything else that doesn't involve picking up my phone or logging in to a social media site. Hmm, does blogging count? Ugh! Who knows, but writing is an outlet for me so, not sure what to say, :-/. Though I think the limiting of time spent or none at all on apps and such will do me good. I've got books I need to start and finish, naps to take, shows to watch on Netflix (like Scandal), and maybe do a word search or something. This may not be a full blown no technology detox (lets get real) but it is a start to a healthier mindset that isn't fixated on social media. A no technology detox would mean no television, phone or internet activity! I am sure I could try that out, but for now digitally detoxing.

I will "share" this on Facebook and "tweet" on Twitter, but only to possibly encourage someone else to take a step forward in stepping back from media madness. For a couple of days. :-)

From my heart to yours,


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